October 2, 2018

from summer to fall, we walk

here is a post of everything we did together from summer to fall

been trying to stay active although we don't drive crazy distance as often as before


we came to Cooper Canyon Falls Trail in early August and found decent shades 

 very beautiful 6 miles hike, forget about the falls because its way too dry, couldn't find a trash can so I had Actaeas carry his own poop


we followed the path marked on all trails website, at the end we went across a campsite and popped out on a highway, not sure which part we missed but its really confusing.


we walked on a paved highway road for the last mile back to parking lot, which is a big no no :(


mid August we found Ferndell to the West Observatory Loop Trail, its pretty chill and only 2.5 miles, probably doesn't even worth to drive all the way here for a 30 minutes walk but I did enjoy it. 

early September our mission of escaping heat is still going on

I picked Switzer Falls via Gabrielino Trail, when we arrived at the parking lot I immediately recognized this place, we came here years ago with Ti Family, but refused to do the hike because its marked dogs on leash, we left right away.
I feel really bad for our drivers, and can't believe how childish we were.

most of the hike was under trees so we were not baking in the sun

saw a lot of poison ivy

there were only about 15 minutes we were exposed under the heat, trail went down to the water falls later on


I got pretty tired out by the temperature when we found water, people told us you could actually keep climbing up and might get a good view up there, I wasn't convinced so after a long rest we backed out from there. 


the next weekend we played tug of war

and I made flan with real vanilla beans for us to share


on September 21, we had salmon for dinner and headed out for hike again the next morning 

we both agreed to find another easy walk, so I took Quentin's suggestion to visit Temescal Canyon Park

lot here costs $10 so we parked way down the street and came up to the park

places dogs can go are limited, we lazy human and Actaeas walked around slowly and dodged as soon as the trail turned sandy or exposed under the sun

overall its a very peaceful park


oh! the following day we made strawberry pie and shared :3
This maybe not the most photogenic food but it tastes like heaven. Muah!

me and Quentin kept talking about coming back to the deep creek hot spring, and we finally made that happened on the last day of September with Jose and Sally.

i can almost call this trip a disaster because I couldn't find the entrance to the dirt road even if I came here 2 times already, one of the rout google pointed to was closed, the other path just way too scary that if we keep going our car bumper might just fall off.

Jose decided to pin the navigation to google map deep creek trailhead icon, I wasn't sure that's the right path in but I didn't know what else we could do, that detour added on another hour of driving on top of 2.

we went toward big bear area, scenery turned from desert to pine trees, it didn't feel right to me, when we arrived, I couldn't recognize and of course that's a different tailhead, more like a back door into the hot sprigs, and I DO NOT recommend coming from this end, I would rather pay for the entrance fee and get in the old way, see down below.

we walked a little bit, got some information form other hikers that this will be a 2 miles hike in (which is actually 3 miles), it was 5pm already and we were not even half way, Jose and Sally made a call to go home, me and Quentin were just morons decided to proceed.


the trail condition is way worse than the other way in, hard to follow and 0 sign, we used google GPS and footprints on the ground to finally reached the destination.

sun was behind mountains by than, I remembered the first time here I could see sand glittering underneath, not this time.

pool was pretty hot, even the outside area wasn't as freezing as before, we had good time soaking also swam around, Actaras followed me anywhere I went, and I couldn't beat him when he decided to swim in full speed. there was an over excited pitpull kept barking at Actaeas for an hour straight.
I wanted to take more photos

Quentin: remember this in your head

So I stopped

I don't know if I am truly crazy, when I think back I am still trilled by this horror, we left around 7:30pm, darkness devoured three of us pretty fast, we got completely lost few times, I tripped over and couldn't see where to stand many times, both human freaked out a bit, thought about going back to the springs to seek for help, but eventually found our way back to the car at 9pm.

my legs look like I am a survivor from a cougar attack

me: didn't you say you want an adventure?
Quentin: yeh... but not the getting lost part.
me: you can consider this as your reborn, before your birthday.
Quentin: I should never tell my parents about this trip. 

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