This was my first time visiting Sonoma without getting a hot stroke, I believe Actaeas knows his favorite season is right at the corner, he will be able to jump and rolling in the snow in no time.

Ti mom dreamed about visiting wine country for a long time, we finally could manage a little trip up here in November. I picked a random winery on a long list of dog friendly ones, surprisingly it's actually quite a lot out there to choose from.

some of them even provide wine for furry friends, a tiny sip maybe won't kill your dog, but beware! alcoholic beverages are poisonous to dogs, grapes are also toxic to them.

we had a new friend tagged alone, did you see that naughty Shiba?

we got the timing right to visit this winery, it's all dyed in a beautiful autumn gold.
and look! here I found some free raisins

meet Milu, Tiru's replacement (joking) and Actaeas' third Shiba collections, a 9 months old energetic furry ball, this was our first time having another little man in our group, Actaeas certainly
DID NOT enjoy that
he was always the prince, the only one.
DID NOT enjoy that
he was always the prince, the only one.

Actaeas screamed when I gave Milu a big hug, never know he will be jealous of me touching another dog

at least that never happened when i hugged ladies, maybe Actaeas sees me as one of his possessions...

there was actually a trail by this beautiful winery, but we went up for no longer than 15 minutes and decided to pull back

because we are not use to do those trails which requires dogs to be kept on leash, I believe no one likes to do that especially when you have 5 dogs but only two hands, you will make yourself
tangled like a miserable Santa.

we got down and took more time wondering around, it's funny that no one stop to see this incredible view, was it just us making this as a big deal or other people were horribly drunk?

me, Actaeas and Ti mom went wine tasting later on and bought 6 bottles, I could not stay awake after the drinking sadly, maybe I am not built to drink alcohol just like canine...

It's amazing that I started to get used to travailing with Ti mom, just two of us but without a feeling of missing something, this is what we are and what we should be, maybe we just forgot that we are all independent and capable of dealing with all kinds of mess in our lives.

such as driving for 7 hours without dying, getting a mighty ticket at Bakersfield, went across 3 states in 2 days, and chasing a wet fugitive Shiba by the lake.
goodbye fall color, wish we could still watch this together once again next year, and a year after ;)