I missed out nor cal fall this year because of none stop weekend works, lucky at least I let Actaeas went up with Ti Family when the color hit Bishop area, check out there article here

after the my job been delivered, I could finally enjoy a relaxing weekend without worry about having to rush back to office after hikes.

we visited big bear once again to catch some golden color in south California.

sadly we did not have Tiru with us this time because she had a surgery a week ago due to cruciate ligament rupture, not sure how that happened, hoping for speedy recovery before our big 2015 Christmas trip

me and Actaeas have never come to this side of the lake, so it's something new to us even though this wasn't our first time here

Actaeas is a great model, we got 3 other dogs getting the same ruffwear harness he is wearing, even Ti mom wanted to buy one for Tinkerbell, but they don't have her size.

it's really muddy close to the lake, we saw Tiffy and Actaeas' legs sinking into the mud few times

It was actually pretty funny, Actaeas just turned into a little fox waering black over knee socks

guess Tiru will have more trouble if she was here

thank god you got your feet cleaned quick or I really don't know how can I let you get on our car

my meat grinder broke down few weeks ago, Actaeas was having kibbles for a week, he was defensibly not pleased with that, but I was too lazy to chop his dinner, if I don't mix veggie with meat well, he will just picks all the greens out so I rater let him suffer a week or two with dry food.

I got a KitchenAid Pro Line mixer to replace my TA SHING 108, you can check the article I posted recently in Chinese
I will be more than happy to answer your questions if you do not read Chinese but hoping to know more about using KitchenAid as a grinder.

if you are not a crazy baker, Western #12 will still be a better choice for you, you can read the comparison >>here<< around 4 paragraphs down or just do a Ctrl F to search for key words.

loving this photo

we need to get Tiru back on track soon

after that day, it rained, and the temperature dropped down several degrees in LA, winter visited without notices

does it mean we can try to climb up to the Hollywood sign once again to wipe out the humiliation of the big fail last time?