wish this is the first time also the last time I use iphone photo for head pic of my post, it was a tragedy...
5/13 was Actaeas' birthday, we held a late party on 5/17, I think he did not mind since we had an amazing good birthday pie this time right?
see my one year old birthday article here
Ti dad picked the location, it's not too far from our house (compare to 2 hours drive last time for Tinkerbell's birthday...)
I decided to make meat pie instead of cake this time, so it sits well in there tummies
for the ingredients, I use steak rather than buying grained beef, this is what I always do to feed Actaeas, it's always fresher and cleaner to do it yourself, you never know the process of how people grain the meat and which part did it come from.
I also use celery, carrots, asparagus, butter lettuce, eggs, blueberries and peaches
maybe people are not supposed to push veggie through the gainer but I found this fast and convenient to work with, haven't run into any trouble with this process so far, and I am too lazy to do it separately with a food processor
mixed well, and here we got a huge hamburger meat!
I didn't add any water or the whole thing will turn into beef soup after veggie are cooked
I didn't take any photo when I was working with the dough arg... so let's pretend it's already done and good to roll shall we?
cut the edge and forked it
(should have leave a bit of pie edge so I can play with the decoration)
now put in the fillings, looking pretty good already!
instead of making an Aussie pie, I used the rest of the dough to weave it like a traditional apple pie
also, have to make it cute like always
believer it or not, here is my first time pie experiment, looking great!
after 30 minutes of baking, maybe I just became the only person on earth who can tell what those words are on the pie
anyways... are we ready?
Happy Birthday kids!!
Tiru turned 10 on 5/12, we headed to Pan Pacific Park, and here came the tragedy... my camera was out of battery, also the sun was there for 5 minutes and went away for another 10 minutes just to joke with us, what a horrible situation for photo taking
so I used Ti family's camera also stole some photos from them to complete my article, hope they don't mind, I uploaded some of the photos from my iphone as well, sorry buddy, I should have check my battery a day before your birthday... I used it all on the pie but not your goofy face
and it was a HUGE mistake to make a meat pie for dogie birthday, it's impossible to keep them still for single group photo
calm down guys!!
i know it looks pretty goooooood, Ti mom tasted the crust and she liked it too!
ready for the pie?
Tiffy you are way too close to the camera... oh wait... I did not even have battery, this is my iphone...
even after the whole pie gone, they were all still trying to find tiny pieces of leftovers
Actaeas, I wish you be happy and healthy always, nothing bad will ever ever ever happen to you again
you are going to live a happy long life
we've moved to a new place, almost all the neighbors have dogs, sometimes when we walk downstairs for pee, we meet friends!
I know I do not have the best job on earth, my work hours are long and unstable, sometimes even no weekends, so this year I chose to pay more and move closer so I can run back to see you during afternoon breaks, or run home before starting a super late night work
Happy Birthday my boy
I wish I could do better, and stay with you longer
one day we will have a yard and plenty of time together, one day.