December 19, 2014

Back on foot (5) - final evaluation and dehydrated meals making

I had been crazy busy the pass few weeks, here is a new update of Actaeas' physical therapy
process! as you can see he is jumping and hopping like a little rabbit now!

Actaeas went through his final evaluation last Saturday, his muscle on both legs are pretty even

another supplement I have been giving Actaeas is Platinum Stamina, suggested by his therapist to help his muscle building, I forgot to mention that in my last back on foot post, and I cut Duralactin after he finished the bottle as well.

you can find more info of all the supplements at the bottom of this post

range of movement measurement
he improved quite a lot and was released on bail

doctor said

he is okay to be like a normal dog again

he is free!!
Actaeas can finally play with others again after 4 months!!!

so why not today???
I took him to dog park for a short play time after the evaluation, we have to take it slowly so he will not over work his body

I took him out on Sunday again and let him run as much as he likes

his fluffy tail is back
people may not notice but I can still see his leg is doing some weird movements because i can't stop staring at his butt 24 hours a day, hope this will goes away in the future

it's like if you know something is there, you just can't keep your eyes off it

look how happy he is

wayyyyy too happy

T family was there with us too

winter is coming (yeh yeh I am game of throne fan), the sky turns dark around 5pm everyday. we have shorter play time than use to be

sine Actaeas is a refurbished dog, let's see how fast he can go

catching up!

boom! he even caught up with Tissue at the end!

so glad Actaeas didn't lose much after the accident, after 4 months of fighting, today he can actually be like a normal pup again

thanks to all the people who had help us
10000 wet kisses sending out to you guys!

probably I am the one who has to go to rehab now, pretty much lost my ability to take photographs at moving animals...

run Tinkerbell RUN!!

it's getting dark too soon, we had few friend and another 2 dogs joined us that day, but it was too dark to take photos sadly i do not have them in my pictures

we will come out more often from now on, Actaeas ran like he was bursting out all the energy he didn't use in pass 4 months

I bought 18lbs of meat last weekend and started to prepare Actaeas' food for coming vacations 
this is how my fridge looks like at day one....

Actaeas is a finicky spoiled prince, I started to grind veggie, meat, eggs and fruit all together so he has no way to be picky at greens like a 5 year old boy, it worked out pretty well, and he digests lot better too!

because we are going on a 10 days trip for coming Christmas so I came up with an idea to dehydrate all the food to make it easier for me to carry all Actaeas' meals and store them without a fridge, no more kibbles this time! all homemade meal baby!

I spread the food evenly on the mat without pressing it down, so the meat will not run through the holes, or that will be freaking hard to pick them up after the dehydration.

the dehydrator I got only came with 2 mats, so I cut some extra ones with preachment papers

just like that, i left a gap in case it shrinks when they turns into jerky, this can help to protect the mat  from nasty distortion

I've tried with little gaps like this, didn't work that well

fully dried after 12 hours, looks like Japanese sea sedge!

it was a coincidence that I saw 4p mom posted an article about the dehydrator right after I made the jerky, she used it to prep her kids' meal too! 

never think of making the meal into powder after the dehydration, that's actually a very good idea!
 I learned this trick from her

I didn't make them into powder completely, still leave some small bits for Actaeas to chew, this is beef and apple flavor

we have fish and pear, rabbit and kiwi, beef and apple, with spinach, chayote, cabbage, eggs... etc

they look just like the honest kitchen dog food but with a LOT of love and preservatives free

for the coming trip, only thing I need to do is just simply add in some water and the meal will be ready to go!

after rotating beef tendon and chicken skin in Actaea's diet for extra collagen supplement, I added Chinese white fungus this week

it may sounds really silly but it does makes me super happy that Actaeas could finally do this funny frog legs pose like he use to before the accident

this might not be our last back on foot post, but we are so close!

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