September 28, 2014

Back on foot (2) - rainbow pants/flexion exercises - a tale of my bald ass

Today is the 28th day after Actaeas' car accident, can't believe it's almost a month!
he is doing pretty great in pass few weeks, all the doctors and physical therapists are so impressed

warning! you may see wound and blood in this article!
you may be uncomfortable!

warning! you may see wound below!

i am going to put those pictures smaller so people won't puke


as you all know, Actaeas had his second surgery for dead skin removel on Sep 12th, it looks quite scary when you see the incision close, but good thing is we got rib of most of the dead areas


just for the record, this is a day before the surgery 


and a day after surgery, his cut is getting less swelling


but two days later, oh no! the dead skin is coming back! and blood too!


the sergeant thought that wasn't bad, he wasn't so worry about it, Actaeas' physical therapist suggested to do wound cleaning on him everyday so his skin will heal lot better than just let it grow by its self, picture above is the first wound care

they also did Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) on him, the laser light energy will absorbed by the tissues, stimulating their metabolic processes, reduction of swelling, also increases in blood flow.
 it's actually really really amazing, I can see significant improvements the next day after the LLLT, no kidding, every time!


I got to do the wound cleaning at home too, because its impossible for me to take him to the rehab everyday sadly

you trust me right? I am cutting off your victoria secret pink underwear now

here is a bag of the sodium chloride

I got all the supplement from the rehab

please don't do this by yourself without asking your vet, this is not a tutorial

poke the needle right into the bag but not poke through the other side, and start to pull the liquid out

rinse the scars, give it a bit distance so I won't hurt Actaeas even if he suddenly jumps up, take off the dead and bad tissues little

dry his butt before cover the wound, and here comes the best part, bandage!
I got several different colors of bandages, Actaeas had a most amazing week ever!

different color pants everyday!!  personally I like pink the best because when ever I saw him with pink pantie I couldn't stop laughing, i am such a horrible mom

the last but not least.......

rainbow pants!!!

can't believe I was having great fun doing this.....


he was making great progress, this was a day before the stitches removal


finally I can stop worry about his open wound thank god!

by the way, those needles were for the Acupuncture at animal rehab, I have no idea how to do that, and please don't try it at home


the officially cone off day, woo hooo! Actaeas was so happy

also I never stop working him with flexion exercises

ankle flexion/extension range of motion

please do not do this on your dog without consulting your vet
this exercise is designed for Actaeas, may not suite your buddy

knee flexion/extension range of motion

hip flexion/extension range of motion

i do this exercise very gently and slow

also open it up

tail pulling to relex his spin

knuckling for active paw extension

flip his paw and allow Actaeas to return his paw to a proper pad-down position, this activate will help to strengthen his muscles and proprioceptive sensation

 I do all the exercises as much as i can everyday, I only have little time for myself after his accident, but this doesn't really bothers me

these are supplements I have been giving Actaeas, most of them are suggested by his vet

once again... please ask professional 

Plant Enzymes & Probiotics -  this is the probiotics I usually give him even before the car accident, i use this when I have something new or switches in his food

Vitamin E - should be given whenever oils are supplemented, If such as fish oil are added to dog's diet without adding extra Vitamin E, it will cause Vitamin E deficiency and could lead to health problems

Turmeric - this is suggested by Actaeas' physical therapist, you can also check the video >>here<<

MicroLactin - Joint supplement suggested by Actaeas' physical therapist

Fish Oil - Actaeas' body can't tolerate fish oil, i've been trying to give him since he was a pup, but his body just doesn't like it, so I gave him flaxseed oil in for the source of omega 3 and 6 instead, I tried him on fish oil once again after the accident because fish oil has positive effects on dogs with inflammatory diseases, flaxseed oil does not seem to be as beneficial, somehow magically, his body took it in without any nasty diarrhea, I still have no idea why...

this is the same bottle I've been giving Actaeas' kitty sister Salacia, I don't use salmon oil because I prefer to use fish oil from fish that are lower on the food chain, they are less contaminated with heavy metals and impurities, check >>here<<  and  >>here<<
>>fish oil dosing chart<<

Antioxidant - suggested by Actaeas' physical therapist, to enhance immune system

I am not sure how much all these supplements, exercises, therapy or food can actually help him, but I just do the best I can, and I actually really enjoy having privet time with him eveyday

Actaeas also had a good bath this Saturday, first bath after a month, woot!

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