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we did this trip way before Thanksgiving, our second visit to Alabama hills!
this 2 days trip was definitely one of the most stunning hikes we've ever did in this year.
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we did this trip way before Thanksgiving, our second visit to Alabama hills!
this 2 days trip was definitely one of the most stunning hikes we've ever did in this year.

after I kept telling Quentin about how amazing Alabama Hill is until his ears started to bleed, we finally made this trip happen on Nov 18.

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we followed the trail down and found some people doing top roping on the other side of those rocks

yes, to find some out door climbs was our main purpose of this trip, and I was really happy that Actaeas could come alone, because I couldn't take him to Malibu Rock Pool on my birthday this year :(

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this area is as magical as how I remembered even after I visited Iceland, I still think Alabama Hills is pretty damn cool.

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the last time we came was blazing hot, temperature in November is definitely more friendly.

we did some serious climbs, sometimes I had to carry Actaeas

I thought he would enjoy exploring around while we boulder, but Actaeas was really worry about me whenever I was on the wall, he kept staring and wanting to come up to rescue me everytime, I was quite surprised he did that, because he usually hid behind me when ever bad things happened.

but when I cried, Actaeas was never panic or show any sign of being worry, he comforted me in his own way by providing his favorite toys and tried to convince me playing with him, because he knows everything will be just alright as long as we are together :)

someone got all the way up there, I didn't want Actaeas to hurt himself by trying to follow me, also I was a bit concern about my life...

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we got back to the car and drove to the Arch Trail, which me and Actaeas didn't visit last time, this is a 0.6 mile loop, sun was sinking, we got here at the perfect timing, met some great photographers they let Actaeas took over the spot for few shots.

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Pixel 2 gives me this glare when ever I point the camera to the sun, which Nexus does not do this, I am still not sure if I should be annoyed or not because I got one interesting shot whit this glare.

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didn't take it too long, sun rolled over to the other side of the mountains and left a big cone in the sky, we got here at the perfect timing just right before we lost the light.

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let's go back and eat shall we?

the next day we headed to Nightmare Gulch Loop Trail, Quentin found this place last time when were traveling but it was a bit too far out of our way, but here we are now!

I fed Actaeas Ziwipeak canned food during this trip but it gave him a horrible diarrhea, that morning he even threw up when he first got out of the car :(

this stomach thing stop attacking Actaeas after he turned 3, I am not sure what was wrong but will not consider getting that particular food for trip again.
this reminded me how bad it was when Actaeas was not even a year old, he got stomach issues no matter what I fed him.

back to this trail, after walked up from the parking lot, you will see a sign pointing at opposite directions with different names, and none of them says Nightmare Gulch.

this is a 8.8 miles loop so no matter which way you go you will be back to this place. we went to the right for no specific reason.

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this is a relatively easy hike with a small amount of elevation at the first part, immediately rewards you by incredible geologic features and colors, like a mini version of Bryce Canyon.

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someone is up there again, man I don't know if that's legal...

you have no where to hide form the craziness, I was stunned and didn't know why I never notice there is such a dramatic looking area especially the Nightmare Gulch is only 2 hours drive away from LA.

why did I complain about I don't know where to go for this entire year? someone please shoot me, because I am too stupid so I am worry about I can't even do that right...
and also... what does gulch means?

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I got my answer after few hours

we entered this area where trail turned into loose sand, made it not easy to walk as fast, 15-20 min per mile became maybe 30 min.

and slowly lost track of time

the only thing I was worry about was the time, I am sure walking in the dark here will become a true "nightmare"

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I started to scream in my head a little bit when sun touched the tip of the rock, and we were still in the gulch area, this trail does not have any sign, the only people we met they walked back without finishing the hike, no reception so we had no idea how far we went and how much further away the parking lot is.

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forgot how long we spent to exit the gulch, there was way more to go, we also got to a pretty high lookout point, it was stunning but I do not have any photo, because it was way beyond magnificent that I don't think any picture can do it justice, also I was too tired to care about recording what we saw, we need to find the way back before lights out.

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the sky was pouring out dramatic colors and this is what I caught on my phone after we went down from the top

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lights and colors were constantly changing, we were like stumbling and losing our way on an artist's huge palette

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when I took this last photo, I couldn't really see what's in front of me anymore, I have to say my phone camera did an amazing job

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at least this is what I got from Quentin's device, same location same time.
we found my car not too long after dark caught up, couldn't feel my legs and Actaeas was absolutely tired. we had a plan to visit a near by hotsprings after this hike but that was a miscalculation of time, didn't know sand could slow us down this much. this hike only took us 4 hours, but felt like a big adventure! truly exhausting but I love it!
at the end... this is our last post of the year, see you all in 2018 and happy holidays :3