the day before my birthday in October me and Actaeas went up to Wonder View Trail once again.
we were defeated by the heat in >>September 2015<<, this time we are well prepared, I woke up at 6 in the morning instead!
we went to The Tail Cafe for breakfast at 8am as the first customer! The location is absolutely adorable with decent out door area, I was planing to get a sandwich but sadly they only have those after 10am.
the day before my birthday in October me and Actaeas went up to Wonder View Trail once again.
we were defeated by the heat in >>September 2015<<, this time we are well prepared, I woke up at 6 in the morning instead!
we went to The Tail Cafe for breakfast at 8am as the first customer! The location is absolutely adorable with decent out door area, I was planing to get a sandwich but sadly they only have those after 10am.
I ordered grilled cheese, lavender cookie(which I think it's too sweet) and latte, they also gave Actaeas a treat :)
when we finished our food there's already a line in front of the cafe, I wish I could come back and try their sandwiches one day.

The last time we were here the hiking experience was like hell to me, but with a cool temperature in early morning, I was shocked by how easy this trail is.

This is a steep but short hike, once we got to the wisdom tree, we found stack of rocks with people's thoughts and wishes underneath.
There were also few hikers here writing under the tree.

I didn't know I will have a chance to leave something here so I did not bring any paper with me, since I will turn old in a day, to write down few words might not be a bad idea, and lucky I found a box under the wisdom tree with full of pen inside.
I swallowed the lavender cookie I got from The Trail Cafe, so now I have something to write on!
When I was trying to squeeze my brain to conclude XX years of my life on a greasy cookie bag with my crappy hand writing , a lady walked toward me, I was like oh duh… of course another woman wanting to ask questions about my dog. She moved closer, patted me on my shoulder and said
Everything will be okay, today is a beautiful day, everything will be alright.
And she left.
I did not know what made her say that, I wish I could, but I can not remember her face, because she made my eyes all blurry.
Thank you

and thank you too Actaeas! Thank you for coming into my life :)
I am going to post this picture even though I mosaic half of the photo, I love your warming smile.

we placed our thoughts right there! don't you touch it!

we did not walk to the Hollywood sign, me and Actaeas spent more time around the Wisdom Tree until the sun showed up ( yeah I know the sun was already there, I meant getting hotter).

we finally got a chance to take a picture of The Wisdom Tree before we go down.
The Wisdom Tree stands at the top of the trail as a symbol of perseverance, which was the lone survivor in a 2007 wildfire that burned down hundreds of acres in the Griffith Park area.

we could see mountains more clear on our way back, I had a wonderful experience of early morning hike that day, relaxing breakfast, not much people, an amazing lady and nice temperature.

I started to repeat this kind of awesome weekend plan for weeks after my birthday, so there will be more shot hiking articles to come!