Dec 25 night, we drove all they way from Utah to Colorado, blizzard hit us on our way there, we could barely see the road, I also learned a great lesson that night, you should NEVER use full beam in this situation... because it reflects off the snow and bounces back into you eyes... and also, never ever drive behind a snowplow, or any car in snow storm...
besides all that, I actually had a great time driving at stormy night, it was like going into hyperspace.
the next morning we drove to a beautiful small town to have lunch at The Lost Cajun, great tasting and reasonably priced gumbo.

we couldn't find a dog friendly enough trail which we can let our furry kids to run off leash.

ended up went to Old Dillon Reservoir Trail, this was not on the plan

the weather last night was a bless, we got so much snow this morning!

This is a short, easy 1.7 mile out and back trail located near Dillon, the Old Dillon Reservoir was built in the 1930’s

this trail will be lined with wild roses in late June and into July, wish we could come back again during that season.

at the end we climbed up a small hill, it wasn't easy for Tissue and Tinkerbell because it was covered with snow and too slippery
I did not take too much photos because it was too cold and I couldn't feel my fingers, I was worry about they will fall off if i keep doing photoshoots.

I couldn't help but stood there to watch them struggling, I am a horrible person indeed.

it was really windy on the top, we got to see the view for few minutes and my iphone died due to the temperature
this was the last image it took, my poor phone...

we could not stand the coldness, even Actaeas started to shiver, Ti mom was worry about her kids so we decided to walk back

I stuffed Tinkerbell in my jacket to warm her up on our way down until she stop crying

poor baby
I thought this is amazing and it will be the coldest temperature we will get, so we Californian took a photo of it.

on Dec 27, we were at Grand Lake Nordic Center, they have 35km of groomed trails and about 5.5k for dogs!
>>Trail Map<<

it's not as interesting as hiking, but also it's more friendly for not only old dogs, but also kids or first time skier.
and my phone was back to life, woohoo!

the trail was easy, but some how Tiru refused to walk again
she was looking for a bag which can fit Tiru for quite a while, she told me there's once she went to REI, one of the salesman told her if her dog can't walk, she shouldn't bring the dog, Ti mom was pissed.

if I were her, I would certainly do the same, you are coming with me Actaeas! let's try Alaska this year! ;)

Tissue had already been to Alaska in winter, Ti mom told me it was too cold that she couldn't even put her on the ground.

we had a splendid day, expect Actaeas got attacked by a bigger dog

maybe he thought he protected all the girls, but hey, you really have to pick on your own size... I rather you run like a coward to be honest...
his hair got pulled off like what will happen during a girls fight
and injured around her chin, lucky I know how to deal with those wounds... but can you please stop getting into troubles? or I will definitely die from heart attack one day...