I didn't remember these photos until today, long story short, after pet expo I brought Actaeas out to dog park for a small play time

and he met the same playful dogie once again in the park, they are a great match

we also saw a poor little guy with wheels, but he looks happy that he can walk around freely

and the second time me met this cute ass beagle puppy, she is full of energy just like Actaeas

I found a really cool website called Peace & Woof, the purpose of this site is to share homemade recipes and crafts, it also has videos to show you the steps, saw the Training Dots recipe the other day so I decided to try it out, the video is clear and I really like her soft voice

this recipe is so easy and quick, you only need eggs, rice flour and baby food

mix them together and put the batter into a pipping bag, make the dots onto parchment paper, you can make great amount of these, bake for 15 minutes and done!

I let them cool down and dry for another 30 minutes before store the dots

Actaeas loves them, they are small and easy to use for training or fill in kongs, I brought some to the hike, not only Tiru, Tissue and Tiffy also like it! we are going to try more recipes form Peace & Woof for sure, and this one might be the next Liver Training Treat
* 5/22 update *
we did it!! the liver treat!
although it makes my house smells really funny for days
Actaeas likes it a lot, but I am not sure if I will do this again any time soon, because this treat is soft and moist, which means it turns bad really quick