We went to OC Pet Expo this Saturday for Wiener Dog Races and shows, sadly I can not bring Actaeas along with me, and I finally met Actaeas' daddy there, I must had brain damage because I didn't even take a single photo of him... and just like Tissue always does to Actaeas, she grabbed a mouth full of his daddy's chest fur in front of everyone :)

it rained heavily the night before pet expo so we were really worried, thank god the next day was sunny so we can still do the race, but it's really windy and cold, people are all freezing

we went straight to the track once we got in because we were a bit late, the race started at 12:30, and we were almost freeze to death

the Old World's hold this race in pet expo is more for fun than the actual race, most of the dachshunds are from shelter, they are using this chance to let people see them

a cute dachshund mix

the reason why i say funny, part of the reason is because it's really hard to take it serious when you see these little fellas running or getting confused

even thought they look like they are in serious business

we can never make sure they run because they love you or they want the goodies in your hand, but we all rater think it's because of love

we have time to do some practice before the race, Tissue was really confused by the boxes, couldn't stay in there, didn't know which way to face, even jumped to the near by box

Tissue: I don't understand~~~~~~~
we had bad feeling about this race because she wasn't ready yet, couldn't get the whole idea, and won't run after the box is opened, but when it came to the actual race, she did amazing, here comes the video
Tissue won half of the dogs, sadly got eliminated before the top 8

wasn't sure at first

when she started to run, she went full speed to her mom

why are you so cute

this is the first race, she won it beautifully

must be a lot of pressure in the middle of so many people

wining moment play back :)

there were not a lot of long haired dachshunds, and Tissue was almost the smallest

we are all proud of her

dachshund mix with hot dog bun suit

and a puppy name Kisses for her first race

some dog were just so confused and didn't know which way to go

the other way silly boy

sometimes a boost is really helping them to find the way

but sometimes just doesn't work out that well

Tissue passed the line and turned to frighten her rival

the focus is off but I love how Tissue's running in this photo, her little paw just adorable, the one on the other side is the champion last year
after the race we when to see cat adoption

this little lady has to go as a pair with her brother

and saw a lot of different dog breeds, couldn't remember the name of this guy but he looks a lot like a Doberman with curly hair

didn't take a lot of photo that day because I have been here last year and went home with thousand of photos, most of the things are pretty much the same this year

but I didn't see toller this time, wonder where they went

saw some wolves, I heard they were in Once Upon A Time TV episode

people have to pay to get in and pet them

we went to see the Splash Dog show around 4pm

I always want a dog who loves water, so we can go to the beach everyday, sadly Actaeas is not a big fan of getting himself wet

after the owner throws, they will jump into the pool

some of the dogs were hesitated when they were at the edge of the stage

when they jump, it will be a massive splash makes all the close by audience wet just like you are on the Universal Studio ride

goldens and labs are fetch and water lovers

it can be hilarious when they are in the air

and landing

when you look close enough, you will find they have way more expressions than we thought

this guy is a real bad ass, he jumped super high, almost went out of the huge pool

and his face just way too happy

the second jump

we all backed off but still got wet

he created a massive splash, even got my camera wet

third jump

why are your face so funny

this guy jumped 90 degrees up to catch the toy and fail straight down into the water

great catch!!

we ended the day around 6pm after finished the Splash Dog show, everyone was tired and I felt really bad to left Actaeas at home for whole day

so after I got home I brought him out for walk before sunset

I met your daddy today little boy! he looks much older than I thought

why are you running on the slop... that's not where you supposed to be

get down here you silly boy

even though you can't go with us today, I believe Tissue will tell you everything about her race later :)