On Jan 16 morning, I decided to hike the Cucamonga Peak without any plan ahead, it was almost 12pm when we finally parked at the trail head.
I really miss the time that we can just go out without serious plans, never have to to worry about heat attacks no matter how late it is, we only have few months of this kind of luxury in south California.

I did not take much photos in the beginning of our hike, because it was rocky and icy and pretty much in shade, snow on the side are hard as stone. I wasn't sure what I got myself into until we saw this view.

I picked this trail without doing any homework, decision was made when I was swiping my phone in bed 5 minutes after I woke up, my brain was all mushy obviously.

it was my bad that I did not know Cucamonga Peak isn't an easy hike, especially in winter, I was probably the only person there without wearing any traction gear.

I was planing to go all the way to the summit (which is super silly), but the snow conduction is really bad(for hiking wise is bad, a lot of snow I meant), it also got windy after 6 miles, people I met on our way all recommended us to turn back.

I insisted to kept on going after we hit the Icehouse Saddle, realized that the path was all covered by fluffy snow, which was so hard to walk on, I couldn't stop tripping and fall like a 1 year old baby struggling to walk. Actaeas was all good, he hiked like he is dancing in the snow and kept turning back to give me the look with "come on... really?" on his face.

after 20 minutes of crowing/stumbling, I finally gave up because I could not tell where the trail is anymore, we found a nice spot to rest and took that as a reward of our adventure. It was nearly 4:30pm by the then.
after gone this far, it's hard to call it off, we were so close!

why are you giving me that doge look?

we turned back not only because I was worried about the sun will be gone in and hour, hiking back dark in snow could be the worst idea ever, also I realized that I did not let anyone know where me and Actaeas are heading to that day, to trap and die in snow could be the most romantic/stupid idea I ever made.

Ti mom always says I am the most chill person she've ever met, never scream and no matter how bad the situation is, somehow I never get panic.
I think this time could be the first I actually got a bit scared and worried about our safely, on our way back, my foot prints and the trail path were almost disappeared, I also saw some pretty sparkly ice sliding down hills, even though that made me had to crow pass it, still amazed, so beautiful and sounds like wind chimes, I struggled to take my camera out to took this photo.
I think this time could be the first I actually got a bit scared and worried about our safely, on our way back, my foot prints and the trail path were almost disappeared, I also saw some pretty sparkly ice sliding down hills, even though that made me had to crow pass it, still amazed, so beautiful and sounds like wind chimes, I struggled to take my camera out to took this photo.
we got some sun after hiked to the other side of the mountain, going down was pretty fast.
felt lot safer after saw some people when we were back on to the Icehouse Canyon Trail.
I finished the last bite of the sandwich I brought up and stupid enough to believe everything will be fine after this.
I was all wrong because I slipped 3000 times on our way back, trail turned into ice and were IMPOSSIBLE to walk on even having snow boots on, I broke my lens hood but lucky enough that I did not destroy my tail bone. people we met there were also sliding on ice.
we definitely have to plan this out way better for next attempt, It was a shame that we couldn't make it to the top, but a 7 hours hike was a good try.