can't believe I am updating last year Thanksgiving trip... don't get me wrong, I still love Actaeas, I love him more and more everyday, it's just me acting like a weird lady hoarding all the photos...
anyways, we did went out, and yes! we had a new friend tagging alone, did you see that cute little face?

we had a 2 days trip plan, the first day we headed to South Lykken Trail, it was quite hot when we got there, I had to wear another layer to block out the sun.

meet Rifle, a super energetic aussie puppy, it was not easy to get a photo of him, because he was always moving, also my camera doesn't like dark color, black subjects just come out all flat.

three youngest became best friends! I wish these photos were in focus, and hey you guys should save some energy! stop running back and forth!

this trip made me realized Actaeas is not a puppy any more, he is more calm like an adult compares to Rifle.
although he still ran when ever Rifle went crazy
Actaeas usually became over protective when there was other boys around, he was doing okay with Rifle, which made me really happy :)

this is about about 7 miles long hike of moderate difficulty, easy to navigate, we met a couple before we started, they told us they saw a herd of sheep on the top in early morning.
I did not have any hope to see them since it's already noon, Ti mom said we better not or her pups will go nuts.

we did't have to go to the top, at the first 1 mile, we were already rewarded with fantastic views of the Coachella Valley on our way up.

the first 30 minutes were relatively steep zig zagging uphill climb

we found some picnic table and decided to rest, lucky I had another layer of shirt, it got a bit chilly when we were at another side of the mountain.
and I think this is the last photo of Tiru and Tiffy I took that day(?), Tiru refused to walk started from beginning, she was always the slowest.
and I think this is the last photo of Tiru and Tiffy I took that day(?), Tiru refused to walk started from beginning, she was always the slowest.

Rifle zoom-zoom-zoom all over the place! he reminded me when Actaeas was 1 :)

this would made me cuteness over dose if Rifle was in focus

Actaeas you are getting old! you used to be the first! and Tinkerbell, nice try, nice try!

Rifle's parents actually did not come with us that day, and they were not that outdoorsy according to Ti mom. I wish he could come out with us more <3

Tissue spotted a creature, she went all the way up through rocks, Ti mom could not stop her as always, we both climbed up went different directions tried to find her, and I saw whole bunch of bighorn sheep running up...
a buff one with horns showed up, his head looked exactly like a Dodge logo and he didn't look happy to me, probably it's horizontal pupils, but I thought he was mad and prepared to "solve" the "problem".
I was super worried, because Tissue just won't stop barking, we could hear her barks coming from the top, I am scared that she might provoke them and got trampled to death...
I did not remember how long did we spent to find her, we caught her anyways, and decided to head back after that drama, I was too tired to take any photos, let's call that a day :P
about the 2 days trip plan, I cut it into only a day because I decided not to stay at the Airbnb place we booked, so if you want to see more photos for second day, remember to check out Ti Family's post!