I had a blast visiting Underwood Family Farms - Moorpark last June, my only regret was that I didn't know this farm is DOG FRIENDLY, so here I was again in 2017! with Actaeas this time :)
we came during the pumpkin fall festival without a plan, this entire place was swarmed by tiny people even at 9 in the morning opening time.
kids and parents were mostly at the playground/petting zoo area, pick your own section was almost empty, besides lack of strawberries, visiting in October was just right and cool.

sniff sniff, Actaeas was super curious at whatever I picked, this was absolutely great for stimulating his mind, even though he is not a big fan of veggies, Actaeas still insisted to scan over all the goods in my hands.

sometimes even a bite
these tiny carrots were not ready yet, I wish I could plug them back...

we found good amount of sweet pear tomatoes, check!

sunflowers were also available for $0.79

sunflowers look so gougers, way too beautiful that we decided not to cut any of them

guess what's in season now?

a whole box of raspberries for $1.50 :)

after 2 hours wondering around picking, we walked back to the main area decorated with more than hundreds of pumpkins!

taking this shot actually made me sad, this reminded me a photo we took 3 years ago with Ti-family

they moved
only us now
only us now

when we were taking this photo, there were a little girl and her straggling parents behind us trying to take a photo of their daughter, I was actually impressed by how well behaved Actaeas was compares to a 4 - year - old human.

we picked a mini pumpkin home to share, should I make you a pie?

not enough of pumpkins! they are bringing more!

once again, this place is so friendly that even dogs can visit zoo area, I was pumped to know that I could let Actaeas experience something new again!
are you ready?

maybe horses/donkey/cow's height were not at Actaeas' eye level(?), he was more interested in turkeys and goats.

not so much interests towards kindergarten kids but Actaeas likes rabbits and chickens

but frightened by a giant emu at the end
happy early Halloween! <3 <3