October 29, 2014

Actaeas coming back/Halloween party remix

We had a small party for celebrating Actaeas' recovery, it's not 100% yet but still, we are all really happy to see him walking around and enjoying his life again

 I made cookies and a swiss roll for this event, since it's also a Halloween party, I made them all pumpkin flavor, I added a little bit of turkey into the cookie dough because I am working on getting Actaeas use to a new protein source

pumpkin is a fabulous source of fiber, it's great not only for dogs' digestive but also urinary health

don't ask me why I put two same photos at the bottom, the one on the right is baked

move on to swiss roll, I did polka dots for a experiment 

also made cottage cheese on the side for fillings later, Actaeas doesn't like peanut butter but he is crazy into cheese

piped the dots and baked for 4 minutes first, mixed the rest with pumpkin pure and baked for another 12 minutes, when the cake was cool, spreading the cheese I just made sparingly over the cake, rolled it up and made it like a autumn log

apparently those dots were way too small and hard to see, will make them lot bigger next time

smelled really good

I am not going to put my recipes here this time because they need a lot of adjustments, for example, after I baked them, the shapes and details I made on those tiny pumpkins disappeared...

i chopped the cake into 6 pieces before the party, they do look like mini tree rings don't you think?

all set! we are ready to go!

oh one more thing, I also made Actaeas a pair of cute little Dracula wings

can we go nowwwwww??

we went to a small park and got lucky with no people there woohoo!

let me test my cake with Tiru first

Ohhhhhh my god!!!

you need to calm down lady!!!

Tiru got super crazy when it comes to food

mammy what's in your hand?? I am guessing it's somthing REEEEEALLLY tastey am I right????


Sorry it has to be like that Tiru

This totally cracked me up, i have hundreds of photos of Tiru with her mammy dragging her hoodie 

I knew you love cheese don't you? But you have to be on a leash in case you want to play with others, i know this is a party for you but... don't worry, we will get there

Tiru was so happy that day, i am glad they love those treats i made, even Tiffy joined us

It feels like you are throwing fresh meat at whole bunch of zombies, calm down guys!

Tiru: this is the best day EVERRRR!

I am going yo finish this quick or Tiru will come

little bee and a hot dog

I remember when Tissue wore this outfit, she looked like she was wearing bumblebee tights

Tinkerbell and Tissue were more into the ball 

I do NOT have treats left, you robbed me REMEMBERRRR?

New friend in the park?

seeing all those happy faces makes everything worthwhile, thanks to Ti mom giving Actaeas a big happy family

I bet that toy is all wet and full of saliva... ew

the outfit definitely slowed Tissue down a lot, she couldn't get the ball from her sister

I took so many photos of Tiru that day because she was way too excited and funny looking ha

after the piranha feeding show, we found a pumpkin stand nearby, the owner was really friendly that she let us took pictures with our pups


Actaeas' Dracula wings matches the scene so well! 

Happy Halloween to all of yooooo!

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