January 12, 2015

Winter Wonderland Oregon(2) - 10 Miles/Edison Snow Park

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we planed 2 days of snow park trips just to tired off those kids so we can go ski the third day
it started to snow a little in day two, so beautiful!
this photo is going to be one of our Christmas card prints next year!

we visit 10 miles Snow Park in the morning
T mom switched 2 girls' cloth just to fake they have more outfits

what I know about dogs they dissipate heat from their feet and tongue
 I don't know how does cloth work to keep them warm/cool but better than nothing right?

and sir... you are not allow to jump like that...

I am still trying to figure out a way to limit him from doing that, it's hard to ask a puppy not to jump and run crazy

Tiffy is a mix, she was cool with the temperature and really enjoyed it

HEY!!! I thought I told you not to...

oh well... this is the last time! you really need to protect your joints!

we picked a route away from the main one just to avoid snowmobiles

only met one people in the mountain in 2 hours, and then got lost in the woods
that is the best part! not knowing where to go, just having the moment!

we thought we went deep into the mountain but actually we did not

Actaeas always went ahead to make sure everything is clear just like a scout

it worries me because sometimes he will went too far, lucky he did great on recalls

"ALL CLEAR! let's MOVE!"

"YES SIR!!!"

Actaeas also ate more snow today

"go line up base on your heights!"

"but mom I thought I am the tallest?! this is so not fair!"

"see! I can jump over a Beagle, I must be taller!"


T mom put shoes on Tiru once again, shoes make Tiru walks longer like magic boots!
those shoes gave her soul, Tiru started to run happily after her paws don't feel the cold anymore

Tinker bell can't handle the cold neither, so we decided to put her in T mom's hoodie
but that didn't went well... she almost face plant

don't stare at me like that...



... all right all right... here is your treat!

I know you want some treats too, but sorry man... this totally doesn't work...

I don't even sure where are you looking at? are you sucking out my soul?

we started to head back around 2pm, walked alone the border of the park by following blue marks on the trees

I was curious, Actaeas seems like he knew directions back
 he always chose the right path when we were still finding the marks

we met people after we went down to the parking lot, there was a man he told us about waterfalls called Paulina Falls, it is frozen now, but sadly it's about an hour walk from the lot, and we just got down.

we got the map from him and truly wished we could come back next day to visit it
(but we didn't... this will be on our list next time in Oregon)

we drove to Edison Snow Park and it's getting dark already

we didn't go into the park because we don't want to be trapped in the dark after sunset
also lava terrain can damage dog paws without sufficient snow

I took Actaeas out to enjoy little snow shower and call it for a day

(he really needs to practice seating, he was not sitting straight in this picture again) 

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