January 7, 2015

Winter Wonderland Oregon(1) - Wanoga Snow Park/Hillside Park

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First post in 2015! woohoo!!
This is our last trip in 2014, a 10 days vacation to Oregon and Seattle
we met T family the first time early this year around February in snow >>check here<< 
ended up with another winter trip in December, isn't this wonderful?

this is how Actaeas went through 14 hours of driving, lucky boy...

we ranted a huge van so we could throw in two 27'' suite cases, 5 crazy dogs and still have some decent spaces for human

planed everything ahead with google doc and map engine, we did a lot of homework, here are some great websites you can check on if you ever want to bring your fuzz ball to Oregon

took us two days to drive up to Bend, my butt was miserable, we planed 4 days for snow so Bend is a better city to stay
we headed to Wanoga snow park for our first adventure, it's a wonderful dog friendly off leash park

the snow wasn't deep that day
we rented snow shoes without knowing this fact and put ourselves into this awkward situation

it's lot easier to walk on my feet...

a friend of mine who from Alaska even marked me for this, he said he will only use those shoes when the snow is higher than his chest, what a yeti

T mom gave Tiru a pair of shoes, that totally made her walks better and longer in the snow

Actaeas was like born to be in the snow

it was a shame he chewed off his last pair of harness before we even started to play, our last pair of ezydog, I've no idea how he can reach it, maybe I should feel proud of him and my self, because his rang of motions and flexibility recovered better than I thought?

the park wasn't big, but we only met few people there, Tissue got ran over by a big dog once

we never know Tinkerbell isn't built for cold weather before this trip, she shivered a lot

It was so much fun to see when you throw a little white ball into the snow, Tissue had hard time to find her favorite ball, but it seemed like a pice of cake for Tinkerbell

you have to use your nose Tissue!

I also realized Tiffy is actually cream, she looks yellow in the snow

Actaeas lay in the snow, don't you feel cold??? 


I     DO

my tummy is freezing now!

he is also a shave ice lover, I bet he feels just like home in winter snow

Tiffy enjoyed the winter cold either

I rarely see her this happy, but Actaeas always ruined the moment...

can't you just leave her alone!?

what?? you tell me you've done playing??

fox and a freezing hound

oh no! who did this!!??

snow fight started!!

it was always so easy to take a photo of Tissue, because her movement is predictable, not like crazy Actaeas and Tinkerbell

how DARE you!!

the sun came out, we didn't know this will be the last sun shine we will see in Oregon but it's cool

did you find a snow rabbit?

I rented a 5D Mark III for this trip, took all the photos with both 5D and my 550 with 135mm prime and my new 16-35mm wide angel, didn't do a great job and I blame myself for using a full frame camera the first time, just couldn't get use to it.

we heading back before sunset, the sun went down around 4:30pm, we really do not have much time a day

the last stop was Hillside Park in down town Bend, I was so impressed by the dog park here, unfenced, huge, fun, and so beautiful compares to those dog parks in LA, dog parks in LA are like deserts or a sports ground in jail

somehow Actaeas learned how to catch treats with his mouth today, I was so happy because he always uses his face to catch the cookie arg...

having siblings and close dogie friends to grow up with is a plus, it will definitely help pups to learn

one thing concerns me the most is the rash, there are some irritations around Actaeas' mouth, and I am not quite sure why yet, this started to happen after his injury, he doesn't really scratch his mouth but I cut off all of his supplements and switch fish oil back to flexed oil, will try to figure out the cause one by one

look mommy! I cached last piece of orange sunset on my belly! woof!

I really hope I could stay in Bend, this is such a dog friendly city indeed

let's go home and have some food shall we?

we were well prepared with homemade raw dried food for all of them! the powder smells sooooo good! 100 times better than raw/cooked meal somehow, pups all went crazy for it

it's really easy for us to store and serve

although it looks gross when I add in some water... I am not going to say what i think it looks like...
but Actaeas LOVED it, he a finicky prince ate all his meals without hesitations :)

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