these are the photos I took before I left, I tested him on 4 different kibbles and found out he does better with Orijen but not Acana, and of course home made food is still the best, with home made food, Actaeas will not have eye gum, little stool easy to clean with no smell at all, even his pee doesn't smell.
From right to left, Acana Regionals Ranchland, Acana Regionals Pacifica, Orijen Regional Red, Orijen Six Fish, after I said okey, he went for Pacifica, Red, Six fish and than Ranchland.

and finally Actaeas knows how to balance, but he isn't a big fan of this trick.

I took him to Solstice Canyon Trail, It's so call one of the prettiest trail in LA

I didn't quite get why people say this trail is pretty because half of the ground is asphalt road, and it was really windy that day

we didn't go all the way to the top, might try to go up next time so we can see the sea.

he is 7 months old now starting to look as cool as his dad sometimes

but not just quite there yet...

I took him out almost everyday before I left

I had thousands of thoughts in my mind and didn't know how can I bare the life without him

I had a lot of nightmares after I left, I dreamed of he got lost

the thing surprised me the most was, I wasn't crying because I lost him, I cried and felt anger in my dream because I found him and figured that there was another person took him in and abandoned him again, in my dream, I rather never see him again but he's been taking good care of but not found him again after Actaeas wondered around the street for months.
