November 11, 2013

[Out door] Upper Winter Creek Trail in the San Gabriel Mountains

Actaes had pork loin for this week, and he loves it. We went back to the same mountain for a different trail on the weekend. he is getting bigger and started to love sticking his head out of the window during the ride even when the wind is too strong he can barely open his eyes.

 he almost falls out of the window today

 compare to the lower water trail, upper is easier and wider

we came here too late so the sun was at the other side of the mountain


because of this trail is more easy and safe, there were so many people, and we had to stop every 10 minutes to let them pet Actaeas and answer their questions :P

personally I like the water trail better because I love challenges and variety of the hiking experiences  

 moreover, I think the other trail is prettier

 we got the annual pass this time, which is $30 for a year, $35 you will get another pass to share with your friend


 sometimes i really hope Actaeas can learn how to howl, was thinking maybe I drop him in the mountain and pick him up the other day he will automatically learn that


he doesn't quite get the whole loose leash walking thing yet, Actaeas will run back to me when i ask him to heel, but when we start walking for 10 seconds he pulls again, he does heel perfectly when we were at home or walk around familiar areas, but not so much when he is over excited.

this trail is flat and almost makes me feel bored

 the end of this trail is the water fall, total we walked for 3 hours, it was almost dark when we got back to the car, both me and he were exhausted, Actaeas fell right to sleep in the car on our way back home


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