October 20, 2013

[Food] Does He Shed?

Does he shed? I would roll my eyes if anyone asks me this question.
for daily routine, I brush Actaeas' coat and teeth once a day, clip his nails once a week.

in that case I thought this would not happen to me, but I was so wrong....

his fur stick perfectly on his skin one day, and the next day I found him started to shed, so I took my furminator as usual and didn't see this coming after I spent 1.5 hours brushing him until his fur stop falling off, he literately blown his summer coat


 I could make a winter coat out of that, brushing Actaeas is always like plying lottery, you will never know what's underneath, he turned so dark after this grooming, he got rid of those funny eyebrows and the dark line on his back because those dark coat is expending

 and voi la! here is a brand new dog

but somehow he left a silly whit dot one his butt

I made him some banana cookies the other day

simple ingredients are always the best

the cookie cutters I am using is quite amazing, they were gifts from Adam

I also made some hard once for him to chew

do not want to make it too hard for puppy so I only bake them for 20 minutes at 300F

 dinosaur cookies

 the "can I eat now?" face

 I taught him "get it" and "back" in these days, Actaeas does pretty good and learns all the commands fast like charm

he loves it, didn't even bother listen to me anymore after i said "OK, go eat"

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