July 31, 2013

[murmur] my little wolf 11.5 weeks old

Actaeas was keeping me super busy for weeks, I knew having a new puppy in the house would be a total disaster, but it wasn't that hard when Ebe came to me, I looked back, I think I didn't really pay attention on having a dog back than, and I didn't care that much about what Ebe eats, how to train him and all kinds of knowledge, also the whole family was looking after him. now it's like me, Cedric and Actaeas, I had changed, I care a lot about him so what ever Actaeas does I rater laugh or get angry, because of him, I am really emotional in these days :P

he is like an angel when he is sleepy

at the first few weeks I was really harsh on him, because I do not want him to be picky on food, I fed him Taste of the Wiled puppy formula, he wouldn't touch it unless he is too hungry, I tried Blue Buffalo Wilderness for puppy he would take more but still way under the amount of a 4lbs puppy should eat

 at first I was guessing maybe he is too nerves because he just came to his new home, but after few days he still won't eat much, a lot of articles are talking about how to make corrections if the dog is finicky, basically is to give your dog 10-20 minutes to eat and take away the rest, no matter if he finished it or not, after that don't give your dog any treats or extra food through out the day until the next meal, human must be tough and consistence through this process, also do not surrender to the dogie eyes.

However Actaeas is really stubbed, he can eat just 3 kibbles and call it for a day, he didn't gain much weight for weeks, I was so stressed about the feeding time everyday, and had tried all kind of methods to make him eat, after that I met a lot of good people on the internet telling me how to stimulate his apatite, so I went to krisers to get some food samples and all kinds of cans, I can not say he is normal now, but some meat really helps. the only thing i found he loves the most is egg, although there are a lot of dog allergy to eggs so I am still watching him on this.

Cedric said Actaeas loves natural food better, because he also eats the veggie i gave him, I am still not sure if I should cook for him or switch him to raw, I gave up on fixing his finickiness, as long as the food is good for him and he is happy, that's all it matters.

he is really smart, he already know sit, down, wait, paw and finally I am able to walk him on leash, now I am doing the loose leash training, i bet he will get the idea pretty soon :)
potty training is still in progress, he is my sweat heart even if he poop and pee in my house

now I am worry about this rash around his mouth, I started to think those might be allergies :(

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